CrossFit – Mon, Mar 25
Warm Up – Monday (AMRAP – Reps)
3 min Air Bike (3 sets of :30 easy, :20 mod, :10 fast)
3 sets
5 Inch worms + Dynamic Squat Stretch
10 Roll and Reach
10 Banded Pull Aparts
10 Bench Press – empty bar
Bench Press (- Heavy Single in 12mins
* Rest a little longer than normal between sets when you reach heavier weights *)
* Rest a little longer than normal between sets when you reach heavier weights *)
Metcon Monday (AMRAP – Reps)
3 Rounds
27 Air Squats
21 V-Ups (RX+ GHD Sit Ups)
15 Deficit Push Ups (4/2 inches)
-rest 3:00-
3 Rounds
27 Air Squats
21 Toes to bar
15 Push Ups
Time Cap: 10mins/set