3 rounds
200m run
20m walking lunge with diagonal steps
10 Good Mornings

After 3 rounds
Perform 2 max effort holds Handstand with wall assist (can wall walk to HS hold)

* Repeat from last week
EMOM 12min:
Odd mins- toes to bar practise/kip
Even mins- 3-5 power cleans to build up for power work – focus on tech!
Power Clean (Weight)
Every 2min for 8min:
2 power clean @ 85%
Met Con (Time)
Time Cap 12mins
Buy in: 500/650m row or 30/40 cal AD
3 rounds:
14 Dumbbell Thrusters (10/15kg)
14 knees to chest/elbows
Buy out: 500/650m row or 30/40 cal AD

ADV Option:
21, 15, 9:
DB thrusters @ 15/22.5kg
Toes to bar
Buy Out:
1km run

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