
6min easy pace:
45sec machine
Jump/reload broad jump 20m
4 squat therapy squats
8 Yoga Push-ups
12 Alternating V-ups
Back Squat (Weight)
15min running clock:
Find a heavy single back squat in 12mins

Then into

30 Front Squat Reps for time @50-70% of 1RM Front Squat (3min time cap)

Met Con (Time)
12min AMRAP:
12/15 cal machine
12 DB Hang squat cleans (power cleans if ROM is a drama)
9 burpees touching the pull up bar
6 STRICT toes to bar/knees to elbows/knees to chest (notice a pattern this week!)

ADV Option:
12/15 cal machine
15 thrusters
12 chest to bar
9 bar facing burpees
*each round increase ALL reps by 1

Accessory Work
2 rounds
10/10 Single Arm Dumbbell Bench Press
Barbell Tricep 15’s
*15’s = 5 skull crushers towards chin, 5 skull crushers towards forehead, 5 skull crushers over top of head

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