CrossFit – Wed, Jun 19

Warm up – Wednesday (AMRAP – Reps)

3:00 Row
7:00 AMRAP
5 Hanging Knee Raises
5 Hand Release Push Ups (knees)
10 Dynamic Squat Stretches
3 Tempo Front Squats (empty bar-build in weight)

Front Squat (6 sets of 3 Front Squats (80-85%)
-Complete a set every 2:00-)
Metcon – Wednesday (AMRAP – Reps)

For Time:
AMRAP 1:00
7 Barbell Bench Press (155/95)
AMRAP Toes to Bar in the time remaining until you get to 100 reps
-rest 1:00 between sets-
Time cap: 15 min (8 rounds)
(KG conv: 70/42.5 Bench)

Time Cap: 15mins (8 Rds)

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