CrossFit – Wed, Jan 18

Warm up – Wednesday
2 rounds:
5 inch worms
10 scap pull ups
15 push up plus
20 band pull aparts
Skill Work (Toes to bar (10mins)
2 sets of 3 each way gymnastic log roll
4 / 9
2 sets of
15 hollow rock
15sec superman max effort contraction
3 sets of 6-10 kip swing
Toes to bar practise )
Pull-ups (Super sets
Set 1: Max reps push ups + Max rep strict pull ups
Set 2: Max reps banded push ups + Max rep kipping pull ups
Set 3 : Max rep handstand push ups + Max rep Chest To Bar pull ups
Rest 2mins between sets)
Metcon – Wednesday
For time:
(Don’t drop empty barbells!)
24 Toes-to-bars/knee raises
18 Empty bar thrusters (ADV = Dumbbell Thrusters @ 15/22.5kg)
200m run
21 Toes-to-bars/knee raises
15 Thrusters
200m run
18 Toes-to-bars/knee raises
12 Thrusters
200m run
15 Toes-to-bars
9 Thrusters
5 / 9
200m run
12 Toes-to-bars/knee raises
6 Thrusters
200m run

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