CrossFit – Thu, Feb 16

Warm up – Thursday
2 rounds:
100m farmers carry
50m front rack carry
25m double OH KB carry
2 rounds:
5/5 bird dogs
10 front squat
Metcon – Thursday (Time)
4 Rounds
Each 90sec station is for max reps and athletes interchange at the 45sec mark of each station EXCEPT the burpees are on IN SYNCH over the barbell:

90sec-of Power Cleans (increasing weight)
90sec-of Toes to bar/knees to chest/ab mat sit ups
90sec-of Cals on machine
90sec-of Front Squats (same bar)
90sec-of Bar Facing Burpees
3min- Rest/change weight

6 / 10
Bar weight
Round 1- 35/50kg
Round 2- 40/60kg
Round 3- 45/70kg
Round 4 -50/80kg

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