CrossFit – Tue, Dec 6

Warm Up
400m run easy
3 rounds of:
4 wall walks
8/8 forwards and backwards skater steps
12/12 single arm KB upright row
16 air squats
Met Con (Time)
36 min cap:
5 rounds:
400m run together
10 synch SDLHP @ 24/32kg KB
10 synch goblet squat @16/24kg
20 push press action wall ball on the diagonal

In time remaining from workout max cals on machine with athletes swapping every 10 calories.

Met Con (Time)
36 min cap:
5 rounds:
400m run together
10 synch SDLHP @ 24/32kg KB
10 synch goblet squat @16/24kg
20 push press action wall ball on the diagonal

In time remaining from workout max cals on machine with athletes swapping every 10 calories.

Back Squat (1 Pause Back Squat + 3 Back Squats
7 sets between 70-80%
Pause = 2 seconds

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