3 rounds
200m run
4 inchworms + push up each rep
8/8 cossack squats
Front Squat (Weight)
EMOM 10mins
Odd mins: 3 pause front squats
*as a guide 70% (hold the same weight across sets)

Even mins: HS hold against wall (shoot for freestanding)
ADV Option: 7.5m or 7.5m x 2 HS walk

Met Con (Time)
16min AMRAP:
14/18 Machine Calories
18 hang power cleans @20/30kg
18 butterfly sit ups

ADV Option:
16min AMRAP:
14/18 row Calories
18 KB push press @ 16/24kg
18 movements on the rig
*movements on the rig
Round 1= toes to bar
Round 2= regular pull ups
Round 3= chest to bar
Round 4= bar muscle ups
Round 5 (if they get there) ring muscle ups

Accessory Work
3 rounds for movement:
8/8 cossack squat low load
8 sissy squats (use a band or pole to assist)
20sec each leg single leg wall sit

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