Barbell Hip Thrust
4 sets of 10
*two prep sets, 2 work sets
4 sets of 10
*two prep sets, 2 work sets
Met Con (Time)
New set on the 4mins for 3 sets
12/15 Calories
15 OH KB swings @ 16/24kg
15 Box Jump Over/step down 20/24"
*coaches record slowest interval
12/15 Calories
15 OH KB swings @ 16/24kg
15 Box Jump Over/step down 20/24"
*coaches record slowest interval
ADV Option:
New set on the 4mins for 3 sets
15/20 Row Calories
15 power snatch @ 35/50kg
10 Box Jump Over/step down 24/30"
*coaches record slowest interval
200m run
10 Double Kettlebell Swings
10/10 steps left/right banded monster walks
EMOM 6mins
6/6 jumping switch lunge
10 KB swings