
200m run
2 rounds
2 cycles bergener complex (round 1 broom/round 2 bar)
10 scap pull ups
10 scap pushups
Met Con (Time)
3 sets:
AMRAP in 4 mins with 1min rest between:
6 strict pull ups
8 Burpee Box Jumps 20/24”
10 single DB OH reverse lunge
*10 reps total/change hands/arms as needed

ADV Option:
12 chest to bar
24 DB snatch
12 steps double DB OH lunge

*for subsequent rounds, advanced athletes to start next round where they left off the round before.

For time
1200m run together
Share the load to complete
50 power snatch @ 35/50kg
50 synch bar facing burpees
800m run together
50 power clean
35 synch bar facing burpees
400m run
50 shoulder to overhead
20 synch bar facing burpees


42 push ups (share load -non working in push up hold)
30 strict pull-ups (partner in dead hang)
30 hand release push ups (partner in push up plank)
18 strict pull ups (partner in dead hang)

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