Back Squat (Weight)
4 sets of
1 Pause Back Squat + 2 Back Squats
Start work sets at 75% 1rm and build to 82.5% 1rm back squat
1 Pause Back Squat + 2 Back Squats
Start work sets at 75% 1rm and build to 82.5% 1rm back squat
Met Con Mbah Xfit (Time)
For time:
21 push press 35/50kg
21 feet anchored sit ups
12 strict pull ups
15m out and back KB front rack carry
15 push press @ 40/60kg
21 feet anchored sit ups
9 strict pull ups
KB carry
9 push press @ 45/75kg
21 feet anchored sit ups
6 strict pull ups
KB carry
3 push press @ 50/80kg
21 feet anchored sit ups
3 strict chin ups
KB carry
21 push press 35/50kg
21 feet anchored sit ups
12 strict pull ups
15m out and back KB front rack carry
15 push press @ 40/60kg
21 feet anchored sit ups
9 strict pull ups
KB carry
9 push press @ 45/75kg
21 feet anchored sit ups
6 strict pull ups
KB carry
3 push press @ 50/80kg
21 feet anchored sit ups
3 strict chin ups
KB carry
ADV Option:
WOD structure remains the same.
Push press @ 40/60kg into 50/75kg into 60/90kg
Core movement = T2B
Bar muscle ups
No carry
Accessory Work
3 sets of
20 tibilais raise
10/10 single leg calf raise
20 tibilais raise
10/10 single leg calf raise
90sec skipping
5 Inchworms
10/10 single arm Kettlebell Swings
5 by 1 and ¼ Goblet squats