
Machine efficiency:
2 rounds of:
1 min slow
40 sec moderate
20 sec sprint

— then –

2 rounds
10 shoulder dislocators
10 Barbell Front Squats
5 Snatch high pulls
5 Snatch balance

Snatch (Weight)
4-5 sets
1 Hang muscle/power Snatch + 1 Low Hang muscle/power Snatch + 1 muscle/power Snatch
First set @ 65% and last set should be around 80%
-lift based on feel

ADV Option:
Like last week
3 position snatch (full snatch)
High to low

Met Con Mbah Xfit (Time)
1 off max attempt (2 scores for workout)
2min 30 cap:
400/500m row for time
Max KB thrusters in time remaining @ 12/16kg

Score 1 = time in row
Score 2 = thrusters

ADV Option:
Change to barbell thrusters @35/50kg

Accessory Work
Build on Mondays strength work
Accumulate 30 max strict pull-ups

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