CrossFit – Mon, Jan 23
Warm Up – Monday
3min machine
2 rounds of:
10 shoulder dislocators
5 drop squats
2 rounds:
5 dowel sotts press
5 empty bar power snatch
2 rounds of:
10 shoulder dislocators
5 drop squats
2 rounds:
5 dowel sotts press
5 empty bar power snatch
High-Hang Snatch (High hang Snatch
4 sets of 2
* Increase weight each set to challenge
4 sets of 2
* Increase weight each set to challenge
Metcon Monday (Time)
27 front squats 35/50kg
24 single arm KB snatch (12/12) @12/16kg
100 Double/Single Unders
21 front squats 35/50kg
18 single arm KB snatch (12/12) @12/16kg
100 Double/Single Unders
15 front squats 35/50kg
12 single arm KB snatch (6/6) @12/16kg
100 Double/Single Unders
9 front squats 35/50kg
6 single arm KB snatch (3/3) @12/16kg
100 Double/Single Unders
2 / 9
24 single arm KB snatch (12/12) @12/16kg
100 Double/Single Unders
21 front squats 35/50kg
18 single arm KB snatch (12/12) @12/16kg
100 Double/Single Unders
15 front squats 35/50kg
12 single arm KB snatch (6/6) @12/16kg
100 Double/Single Unders
9 front squats 35/50kg
6 single arm KB snatch (3/3) @12/16kg
100 Double/Single Unders
2 / 9
ADV Option
Front squat @ 45/70kg
KB snatch @20/24kg
2 rounds:
8 L/8 R Back Rack Bulgarian Split Squats
30sec hollow hold
8 L/8 R Back Rack Bulgarian Split Squats
30sec hollow hold