CrossFit – Tue, Jan 16

Tuesday WARM up

1. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate*
2 sets:
10 Banded Pull Aparts
10 Banded Pass Throughs
3 sets
5 Kip Swings
1 Wall Walk + 10 Shoulder Taps
5 Back Squats (empty bar- build across sets)

2. Strength Prep
5 Back Squat x 5 sets @65% of Heavy Single (Week 1)
* Complete a set on the 2 minutes *

3. Workout Prep
2 sets
3 Toes to Bar
10ft Handstand Walk
3 Hang Power Cleans (build in weight)

Strength (Weight)

Back Squat 5 x 5

5 Back Squat x 5 sets @65% of Heavy Single (Week 1)

* Complete a set on the 2 minutes *

Metcon – Tuesday (Time)

15:00 AMRAP
10 Toes to Bar
25ft Handstand Walk (Or 3 Wall Walks)
10 Hang Power Cleans (95/65)
(KG conv: HPC 43/29)

* See Coaches Notes for Independence, Liberty, Limited Equipment, and Large Class Option

Scaling options:

50ft Handstand Walk (Or 5 Wall Walks)

Toes to bar or feet to horizon or hanging knee raises


Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes

  1. Hollow hold 25secs
  2. Side plank Star hold L25 sec/R 25 Sec
  3. 15 V-Ups
  4. Max rep strict TTB rest 1 min

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