CrossFit – Tue, Jan 10
Warm up – Tuesday
5min skipping practice
With an empty barbell 2rds
6 pause front squats
6 strict press
6 push press
6 push jerks
3 overhead squats
With an empty barbell 2rds
6 pause front squats
6 strict press
6 push press
6 push jerks
3 overhead squats
Push Jerk (Rep scheme to follow: 5,5,4,3,3,2,2,2
Build in weight and start at 50%. Focus should be put on making all sets look the same by having a strong dip and drive from the start (can add a pause in catch if needed).)
Met Con – Tuesday (Time)
For time (15min time cap)
10 hang power clean (40/30kg)
10 Pull ups
20 air squats
Rest 3mins
30 hang power cleans (40/30kg)
30 pull ups
30 front squats (40/30kg)
Tabata core exercise (20sec on/10sec off)
In a circle each member choose a core exercise
In a circle each member choose a core exercise