8 min AMRAP
:30 Air Bike
5 KB Sumo Deadlifts
20-second Banded Overhead Hold
5 Alternating V-Ups
3 Inch Worms
* Complete a set on the 2 minutes *)
Calorie Air Bike
Deadlifts (155/105)
Strict Handstand Push ups (scale back to a mat before kipping, strict DB press alternatively)
*Women’s Calories: 12-9-7-5
(KG conv: 70/48)
time cap: 10mins
3,000m Run Program – Week 4 Day 1
Workout Definition
Part 1
6 Sets
5 Quick Steps (Start and Drive)
Walk 50m (or 30 Sec)
50m Controlled Sprint at RPE9***
Walk 100m (or 1 Min)
*Rest 2 Min after each set.
Part 2
3 Sets
300m at RPE6, No Rest
300m at RPE6
-Rest 2 Min-
150m at RPE8, No Rest
100m Controlled Sprint at RPE9***
*Rest 2 Min between sets.
Total: 3000m + 600m Walk
***Maintain control of running technique.