CrossFit – Thu, Feb 2

3 rounds:
200m run
10 push up plus to downward dog
5 squats
5 burpees
Metcon – Thursday (Time)
Working in pairs
20 total rounds for time:
Alternating each exercise
4 / 8

1 round =
5 Pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats
200m run
5 HSPU (2 wall walks)
10 toes bar
15 box jumps

Person 1- pull ups
Person 2- push ups
Person 1- squats
Person 2- 200m run
Person 1- 5 HSPU (2 wall walks)
Person 2- toes to bar
Person 1- box jump onto and over
Back to new round
Person 2- pull ups

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