CrossFit – Tue, Dec 26

Tuesday WARM up

Banded 7s – perform 7 reps of each movement

Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate

1-2 Sets
1:00 Ski OR Row (moderate)
10 Kip to Swing
5 Tempo Banded Strict Chest to Bar Pull Up
10 Abmat Sit Up
5 Inchworm w/Push Up
:30 Wall Facing Handstand Hold

Workout Prep

1 Set (at workout pace):
3 Chest to bar Pull Up
3 GHD Sit Up
1 Wall Walk

Tuesday Metcon (Time)

Partner Workout:
24 Rounds
20 Calorie Ski (OR Row)
23 Calorie Bike Erg (OR another bike)

*Both partners can work at the same time and split up calories however they choose
Target Time: sub 1 hour

Scaling option to finish near the target score:
Partner Workout:
24 Rounds
15 Calorie Ski (OR Row)
16 Calorie Bike Erg (OR another bike)

Individual Version:
24 Rounds
10 Calorie Ski (OR Row)
12 Calorie Bike Erg (OR another bike)

Tuesday Metcon (Time)

Partner Workout:
24 Rounds
20 Calorie Ski (OR Row)
23 Calorie Bike Erg (OR another bike)

*Both partners can work at the same time and split up calories however they choose
Target Time: sub 1 hour

Scaling option to finish near the target score:
Partner Workout:
24 Rounds
15 Calorie Ski (OR Row)
16 Calorie Bike Erg (OR another bike)

Individual Version:
24 Rounds
10 Calorie Ski (OR Row)
12 Calorie Bike Erg (OR another bike)

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