Back Squat (Weight)
5 sets of
1 Pause Back Squat + 5 Back Squats
*start @ 65% 1rm and build based on feel
1 Pause Back Squat + 5 Back Squats
*start @ 65% 1rm and build based on feel
Met Con (Time)
4 rounds each for time- rest 90sec between intervals
10 DB push press @ 15/22.5kg
10 alt single leg squat to bench
10 DB hang power clean
12/18 cal machine
10 DB push press @ 15/22.5kg
10 alt single leg squat to bench
10 DB hang power clean
12/18 cal machine
ADV Option:
5 rounds for time:
10 push jerk @45/70kg
20 pistols
30 DB snatch
Accessory Work
3 sets of
10-15 DB bent over flys
15-20 tricep push downs
10-15 DB bent over flys
15-20 tricep push downs
20 secs on, 10 secs off
Backwards Single unders
Plank Position Shoulder Taps
Air Squats
Static dip hold