
2 rounds:
10 L/10 R Single Arm Bottoms-up Kettlebell Press- light
10 Inchworm Push-ups
10 Strict Press 15/20
5 Burpees
Shoulder Press (Weight)
STRICT press
4 sets 4 @ 80-85%
Athletes can power clean the bar to leave racks open

*Between each set perform EITHER pull up or toes to bar kip practise (small sets 4-6 reps)

Met Con (Time)
17min AMRAP
10/10 stationary DB Front Rack Lunge @ 15/22.5kg
10 DB Hang Power Cleans
10 DB shoulder to overhead
12/15 cal machine

ADV Option:
10/10 KB off set lunge (front rack/OH) @ 16/24kg
10 Barbell power cleans @ 40/60kg
10 Shoulder to overhead same bar

Accessory Work
3 rounds:
10 Hollow Rocks
20 mountain climbers

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