
3 rounds of:
30/30sec single leg wall sit
10 drop Squats
10 Scap Pull-ups
10 plank to press

EMOM 8min:
# of quality pull ups (work for approx. 20sec)
Athletes who are NOT super great please perform every 30sec and have smaller sets
Emphasis is quality NOT total number of reps!

Back Squat (Weight)
4 sets of
3 Back Squat @ 75%
Focus is bar speed
Met Con Mbah Xfit (Time)
7min AMRAP:
8 Power snatches 30/40kg
8 lateral burpees over bar
8 knees to elbow/chest
Rest 30 secs before next round

Rest 3 min (Change to a slightly heavier weight)

7min AMRAP:
4 Power Snatches 40/60kg
4 lateral Burpees
4 strict knees to elbows/chest
Rest 15 secs before next round

ADV Option:
7min AMRAP:
8 DB squat cleans 15/22.5kg
8 DB box step overs
18 toes to bar
Rest 30 secs before next round

Rest 3 min

7min AMRAP:
4 DB squat cleans
4 DB burpee box step overs
9 toes to bar
Rest 15 secs before next round

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