For today’s lifting athletes can pick between power snatch or power clean and jerk!
5, 4, 3, 3, (increase load each set, start @ 70% 1rm)
Power Snatch or Clean and Jerks
Immediately after each set:
2min max cals on machine
Rest 2min between sets
Met Con Mbah Xfit (Time)
10 Rounds for time:
5 DB hang squat cleans @ 15/22.5kg
10 Push-Ups with hands on DB (Chest touches the ground)
20 Double Unders
Advanced Option:
12min AMRAP:
5 Devil press into thruster combo
20 double unders/single unders
* Increase each round by 1 devil press combo and 20 double under
Accessory Work
1min each side banded chest stretch
1min pull up hang
1min each side cross body banded rear delt stretch
2 sets:
1min cardio machine
10/10 left and right front rack broomstick stretch pulses
10 strict press
10 overhead squat