Shoulder Press (Weight)
Strict Press
8, 6, 6, 4, 4, 4
*6 sets
Use the 8 reps as a warm up and build weight in each set to a close to a 4rm strict press
8, 6, 6, 4, 4, 4
*6 sets
Use the 8 reps as a warm up and build weight in each set to a close to a 4rm strict press
Met Con Mbah Xfit (Time)
12min AMRAP:
100 Double Unders or 200 singles
20 alt single leg squat to box/bench OR pistols
10/10 single DB push press @ 15/22.5kg
Run 200 m
100 Double Unders or 200 singles
20 alt single leg squat to box/bench OR pistols
10/10 single DB push press @ 15/22.5kg
Run 200 m
Accessory Work
2 sets:
10 L/10 R Single Arm KB Shoulder-to-Overheads (can push press) @ 24/32kg
Rest 45 secs
10/10 alternating KB OH reverse lunge @ 12/16kg
Rest 1min
10 L/10 R Single Arm KB Shoulder-to-Overheads (can push press) @ 24/32kg
Rest 45 secs
10/10 alternating KB OH reverse lunge @ 12/16kg
Rest 1min
8 Controlled Air Squats
8 Jump Squats
8 empty bar push press
— then –
10 shoulder dislocators