CrossFit – Thu, May 25

Warm up – Thursday
2:00 Row
3 sets:
5 Single Arm Ring Rows (each arm)
10 Single Arm Dumbbell Shoulder Press (light/each arm)
10 Hollow Rocks
2 sets: (empty bar)
3 Shoulder Press
3 Push Press
3 Split Jerks
Split Jerk (Build to a Heavy Single or 1RM (10-12 minutes))
Metcon – Thursday (Time)
100 Wall Balls for Time as follows:
2:00 AMRAP
50 Double Unders
12 Toes to Bar
Max Wall Balls (20/14)
*Go until you get 100 Wall Balls
-rest 1:00 between sets-
(KG conv: 9/6)
Thursday Optional Extra

4 rounds
100m run (hard pace)
100m walk
*after 4 rounds, go straight into

2 rounds
200m run (very hard pace)
100m walk
*after 2 rounds, rest 2:00, then

4 rounds
150m sprint
50m walk
*rest 2:00 after each round, then

2 rounds
400m (hard pace)
200m walk

The meat of the workout is the sprint portion. Don’t sandbag the other parts to save gas for the sprint. Attack each part of the workout!

Score 1 is fastest 150m sprint.
Score 2 is the slowest 150m sprint

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