2 sets:
20 Banded Side Steps
10 Banded Glute Bridges
10 banded Air Squats
3 sets:
10 Kip Swings
10 Alt. V-Ups
5 Low Box Jumps
5 Back Squats (empty-build across sets)
50 V-Ups
50 Box Jump Overs (20)
50 Toes to Bar
50 Jumping Split Lunges
50 Abmat Sit Ups
time cap: 18mins
3,000m Run Program – Week 5 Day 1
Workout Definition
Part 1:
10 Min at RPE3
-Rest 2 Min-
Part 2:
2 Sets
5 Quick Steps (Start and Drive)
5 Sec Continued Acceleration to RPE9
50m “”Float”” (Settle Anxiety) but Hold Speed
*Full recovery after all efforts.
-Rest 3-5 Min (Additional)-
Test: 400m at Max “”Race”” Effort (Record Time)
Total: ~2250m
Workout Notes:
Record 400m time.
Results will only have value if the test distance is accurate. In addition, the test course must be similar to other test courses in this progression (e.g., if you did your 12min test on an AirRuner than do all tests on an AirRunner or if you did your 12min test on the track then do all tests on the track). The test should be done on flat pavement, trail or open road (if done outside). Ideally, the test is not performed on an out & back course.