CrossFit – Mon, Jul 3
Warm Up – Monday
Hip Halo Activation
3 sets:
6 up-downs to box step up (total)
10 PVC Pass Throughs
5 PVC Around the Worlds (each direction)
5 1¼ Squats (empty bar)
3 sets:
6 up-downs to box step up (total)
10 PVC Pass Throughs
5 PVC Around the Worlds (each direction)
5 1¼ Squats (empty bar)
Front Squat (5 sets x 3 Tempo Front Squats @70% of 1RM
*Tempo = 3 second negative and 1 second standing (contraction) portion)
*Tempo = 3 second negative and 1 second standing (contraction) portion)
Pull-ups (Weighted Strict Chin Up (Supinated)
5 sets x 5 Strict Weighted Chin-ups @50-60% of 1RM
* Rest as needed between sets *
5 sets x 5 Strict Weighted Chin-ups @50-60% of 1RM
* Rest as needed between sets *
Scaling Options:
– Unweighted Strict Chin-up
– Assisted Banded Strict Chin-up
– Chin up negatives (control the descent as much as )
Metcon Monday (Time)
3:00 Amrap (5 sets)
20 Bench Press (135/95)
Max Calorie Row
– Rest 1:00 between sets –
(KG conv: 61/43)
20 Bench Press (135/95)
Max Calorie Row
– Rest 1:00 between sets –
(KG conv: 61/43)
Monday Optional Extra
Undercover WOD:
DB Lunge Complex
2 x set 1
Set 1: 10 forward lunges + 10 DB Front squats (try for unbroken)
DB Lunge Complex
2 x set 1
Set 1: 10 forward lunges + 10 DB Front squats (try for unbroken)
2 x set 2
Set 2: 10 reverse lunges + 5 DB Thrusters (try for unbroken)
AMRAP 8 minutes:
2, 4, 6, 8, 10 etc.
Handstand Push-up
4, 8, 12, 16, 20 etc.
DB Deadlift
Rest 4 minutes
AMRAP 8 minutes:
2, 4, 6, 8, 10 etc.
DB Front Squat
Burpee over Dumbbells
Suggested DB Weights:
Beginner: 10/5kg
Intermediate: 15/10kg
Advanced: 22.5/15kg