CrossFit – Mon, Jan 16

Warm Up – Monday
2 rounds:
400 run
Active Shoulder hang 20sec
10 shoulder dislocators
7 dowel OHS
Into snatch warm up
2 sets of:
3 segmented snatch
* 2 pause at below knee and above knee
Perform as a group.
Snatch (4 sets of 3 between 70-75%
Drop and re-set between reps.
Option between power and squat snatch)
Metcon Monday (Time)
For work:
20 alt stationary steps Overhead Barbell Lunge 25/40kg (scale to front rack if needed)
12 strict pull ups
12 hang power cleans
20 alt stationary steps Overhead Barbell Lunge 25/40kg
12 kipping pull ups
9 hang power cleans
20 alt stationary steps Overhead Barbell Lunge 25/40kg
12 kipping knees to chest/elbows
2 / 9
6 hang power cleans

ADV Option:
For work:
20 alt stationary steps Overhead Barbell Lunge 40/60kg (scale to front rack if needed)
12 bar muscle ups
12 hang power cleans
20 alt stationary steps Overhead Barbell Lunge 40/60kg
12 chest to bar pull-ups
9 hang power cleans
20 alt stationary steps Overhead Barbell Lunge 40/60kg
12 toes to bar
6 hang power cleans

2-3 rounds:
12-15 Empty barbell bicep curls
12-15 Empty barbell JM Press
*rest 60sec

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