CrossFit – Fri, Jan 12
1. Hinshaw Warm up
Hinshaw warm up written out
Perform each drill for 10m out, then walk back
- High knee karaoke (over, over, walk, walk)
- Over hurdle (heel, toe)
- Knee to chest
- Figure 4 (1 sec)
- Lunge with reach overhead
- Lunge torso twist (Pull hand)
- Toy soldiers
- High knee + arm swing
- Butt kick + arm swing
- Straight Leg (shallow heel)
- Side step out and back
- Side step jumping jack out and back
- Sitting arm swing (Elbow down and back) 20 sec
- Standing arm swing (Elbow down and back) 20 sec
Perform each drill for 10m
- Toes out walk
- Toes in walk
- Heels walk
- Toes walk
- Outside Foot walk
- Inside Foot walk
- 50m hash marks (fast feet) forwards & backwards
- 30m (20m speed up, 10m to slow down)
- 45m (35m speed up, 10m to slow down)
- 60m (50m speed up, 10m to slow down)
Strength (Weight)
Squat Clean Cycling
EMOM 4 Minutes
5 Squat Cleans (135/95) or @50% or less of 1RM
-rest 1 minute-
EMOM 4 Minutes
4 Squat Cleans (185/125) or @60% or less of 1RM
-rest 1 minute-
EMOM 4 Minutes
3 Squat Cleans (225/155) or @75% or less of 1RM
1. Hinshaw Warm up
Hinshaw warm up written out
Perform each drill for 10m out, then walk back
- High knee karaoke (over, over, walk, walk)
- Over hurdle (heel, toe)
- Knee to chest
- Figure 4 (1 sec)
- Lunge with reach overhead
- Lunge torso twist (Pull hand)
- Toy soldiers
- High knee + arm swing
- Butt kick + arm swing
- Straight Leg (shallow heel)
- Side step out and back
- Side step jumping jack out and back
- Sitting arm swing (Elbow down and back) 20 sec
- Standing arm swing (Elbow down and back) 20 sec
Perform each drill for 10m
- Toes out walk
- Toes in walk
- Heels walk
- Toes walk
- Outside Foot walk
- Inside Foot walk
- 50m hash marks (fast feet) forwards & backwards
- 30m (20m speed up, 10m to slow down)
- 45m (35m speed up, 10m to slow down)
- 60m (50m speed up, 10m to slow down)
Metcon -Friday (Time)
For Time:
400m Run @ 80% effort
20/16 Calorie Echo Bike @ 80% effort
-rest 4 minutes-
400m Run @ 90% effort
20/16 Calorie Echo Bike @ 90% effort
-rest 4 minutes-
400m Run @ 80% effort
20/16 Calorie Echo Bike @ 80% effort
-rest 4 minutes-
400m Run @ 95% effort
20/16 Calorie Echo Bike @ 95% effort (just shy of all out)