CrossFit – Fri, Jan 12


1. Hinshaw Warm up

Hinshaw warm up written out

Perform each drill for 10m out, then walk back

  1. High knee karaoke (over, over, walk, walk)
  2. Over hurdle (heel, toe)
  3. Knee to chest
  4. Figure 4 (1 sec)
  5. Lunge with reach overhead
  6. Lunge torso twist (Pull hand)
  7. Toy soldiers
  8. High knee + arm swing
  9. Butt kick + arm swing
  10. Straight Leg (shallow heel)
  11. Side step out and back
  12. Side step jumping jack out and back


  1. Sitting arm swing (Elbow down and back) 20 sec
  2. Standing arm swing (Elbow down and back) 20 sec

Perform each drill for 10m

  1. Toes out walk
  2. Toes in walk
  3. Heels walk
  4. Toes walk
  5. Outside Foot walk
  6. Inside Foot walk
  7. 50m hash marks (fast feet) forwards & backwards
  8. 30m (20m speed up, 10m to slow down)
  9. 45m (35m speed up, 10m to slow down)
  10. 60m (50m speed up, 10m to slow down)
Strength (Weight)

Squat Clean Cycling

EMOM 4 Minutes
5 Squat Cleans (135/95) or @50% or less of 1RM

-rest 1 minute-

EMOM 4 Minutes
4 Squat Cleans (185/125) or @60% or less of 1RM

-rest 1 minute-

EMOM 4 Minutes
3 Squat Cleans (225/155) or @75% or less of 1RM


1. Hinshaw Warm up

Hinshaw warm up written out

Perform each drill for 10m out, then walk back

  1. High knee karaoke (over, over, walk, walk)
  2. Over hurdle (heel, toe)
  3. Knee to chest
  4. Figure 4 (1 sec)
  5. Lunge with reach overhead
  6. Lunge torso twist (Pull hand)
  7. Toy soldiers
  8. High knee + arm swing
  9. Butt kick + arm swing
  10. Straight Leg (shallow heel)
  11. Side step out and back
  12. Side step jumping jack out and back


  1. Sitting arm swing (Elbow down and back) 20 sec
  2. Standing arm swing (Elbow down and back) 20 sec

Perform each drill for 10m

  1. Toes out walk
  2. Toes in walk
  3. Heels walk
  4. Toes walk
  5. Outside Foot walk
  6. Inside Foot walk
  7. 50m hash marks (fast feet) forwards & backwards
  8. 30m (20m speed up, 10m to slow down)
  9. 45m (35m speed up, 10m to slow down)
  10. 60m (50m speed up, 10m to slow down)
Metcon -Friday (Time)

For Time:

400m Run @ 80% effort
20/16 Calorie Echo Bike @ 80% effort

-rest 4 minutes-

400m Run @ 90% effort
20/16 Calorie Echo Bike @ 90% effort

-rest 4 minutes-

400m Run @ 80% effort
20/16 Calorie Echo Bike @ 80% effort

-rest 4 minutes-

400m Run @ 95% effort
20/16 Calorie Echo Bike @ 95% effort (just shy of all out)

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