Tabata: (6 set)
20 seconds on/10 seconds off
Air Bike
3 sets:
10 Roll and Reach
10 Box Step Ups
6 back squats empty bar
3 Inch Worms
* Complete a set on the 2 minutes *)
7:00 AMRAP
7 Hang Power Snatch (95/65)
7 Box Jump Overs (30/24)
(KG conv: 43/29)
Gymnastics: Chest to Bar Prep (Day 1)
Workout Definition
5 minutes of Intro/Cues
cue 1: Jump from right under the rig
cue 2: Press down on the rig to activate the shoulder and back muscles
cue 3: Think “bring the rig to you” instead of you to the rig
cue 4: Spread elbows back and out to pull the bar to the chest.
cue 5: Come down with full control to active swing.
MInute 1: Max Burpee Chest to Bar
* Pull-up bar height should be above fingertip reach
Minute 2: REST
Minute 3-5: AMRAP2 of 7 Chest to Bar Pull Ups + 2 Shuttle Runs
* each shuttle run is 25 feet down + 25 feet back
Minute 6: REST
MInute 7: Max Burpee Chest to Bar
* Pull-up bar height should be above fingertip reach
MInute 1: Max Burpee Pull Up
* Pull-up bar height should be above fingertip reach
Minute 2: REST
Minute 3-5: AMRAP2 of 4 Chest to Bar Pull Ups + 2 Shuttle Runs
* each shuttle run is 25 feet down + 25 feet back
Minute 6: REST
MInute 7: Max BurpeePull Up
* Pull-up bar height should be above fingertip reach
MInute 1: Max Burpees
Minute 2: REST
Minute 3-5: AMRAP2 of 5 Kipping Pull Ups (or 10 Ring Rows) + 2 Shuttle Runs
* each shuttle run is 25 feet down + 25 feet back
Minute 6: REST
MInute 7: Max Burpees