CrossFit – Tue, Feb 21
Warm up – Tuesday
2 rounds:
10/15 cal machine
5 yoga push ups
15 bent over DB flys
30sec pull up dead hang
Wall walk to 10sec HS hold
Toes to bar
4 sets of 3 of the complex
Complex =
“2 kip swing + 1 toes to bar” (toes near bar)
10/15 cal machine
5 yoga push ups
15 bent over DB flys
30sec pull up dead hang
Wall walk to 10sec HS hold
Toes to bar
4 sets of 3 of the complex
Complex =
“2 kip swing + 1 toes to bar” (toes near bar)
Floor Press (3 sets of:
Floor Press 6-8 reps (first set is same weight as last weeks heaviest set)
Bent over row 6-8 reps )
Floor Press 6-8 reps (first set is same weight as last weeks heaviest set)
Bent over row 6-8 reps )
Met Con – Tuesday (Time)
AMRAP 10 minutes:
10 Handstand Push-ups or Barbell Strict Press
20/15 cals (machine of choice)
Rest 5 minutes
AMRAP 10 minutes:
5 Wall Walks
20/15 cals (machine of choice)
10 Handstand Push-ups or Barbell Strict Press
20/15 cals (machine of choice)
Rest 5 minutes
AMRAP 10 minutes:
5 Wall Walks
20/15 cals (machine of choice)