CrossFit – Wed, Nov 29


2 sets of
5 by 1 and ¼ squats (focus is a stretch at the bottom)
20 hollow rocks
5/5 LOW Cossack squat shifts
10/10 grasshopper*
*Like a mountain climber BUT opposite shin to opposite forearm


In 12mins:
Hit a heavy (not max)
Double Front Squat

Met Con Mbah Xfit (Time)

90sec on 90sec off for 9mins:
2 rounds in your 90 seconds on:
5, 10, 15, 20m shuttle runs
9 double KB snatch @ 12/16kg (Scale to single if required)
After the two rounds if any time remaining perform max no jump
Advanced option:
90sec on 90sec off for 9mins:
2 rounds in your 90 seconds on :
5, 10, 15, 20m shuttle runs
9 dumbbell squat snatch @ 15/22.5
After the two rounds if any time remaining perform max lateral
burpees over DB.

Accessory Work

3 sets of:
10/10 single KB (opposite arm/leg) Bulgarian split squats
10/10 half kneeling KB press

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