8:00 AMRAP
1:00 machine
3 Wall Ball front squats
3 Wall Ball thrusters
3 Wall Balls
3 Wall Ball squat cleans
3 Wall Ball over head squats
12 Days of Christmas
1 Squat Snatch (135/95)
2 Bar Facing Burpees
3 Pull Ups
4 Toes to bar
5 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
6 Push Ups
7 Wall balls (20/14)
8 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
9 Sit ups
10 Air Squats
11 Box Jumps (30/24)
12 Overhead Squats (135/95)
(KG conv: barbell 60/42.5, KB 24/16)
Time Cap:40mins
1 Rope Climbs (Or 3 Strict Pull Ups)
2 Squat Clean (155/105)
3 Muscle Ups (Bar or RIng)
4 Burpees
5 Deadlifts (155/105)
6 Pull Ups
7 V-Ups
8 Wall Balls (30/20)
9 Box Jumps (24/20)
10 Back Rack Lunges (155/105)
11 Handstand Push Ups
12 Thrusters (155/105)
(KG conv: 70/47.5 barbell, 14/9 WB)