Back Squat (Weight)
Back squat
5 @ 65%
3 @ 75%
3 sets of 1 @ 85%
5 @ 65%
3 @ 75%
3 sets of 1 @ 85%
Between each set perform 15-20sec ring dip support hold
Met Con (Time)
7min AMRAP
10 deadlifts @ 70/110kg
20 push ups
10 deadlifts @ 70/110kg
20 push ups
ADV Option:
7min AMRAP:
10 deadlifts @ 110/155kg
10 hand release push-ups
5 bar facing burpees
Accessory Work
2-3 sets
Right arm for a complex-
Rest 30seconds
Left arm for a complex
Rest 2min
Right arm for a complex-
Rest 30seconds
Left arm for a complex
Rest 2min
*Complex =
7 DB hang clean and jerk
6 DB snatch
5 DB push press
4 single arm devil press
2 rounds
30/30sec single leg wall sit
3 wall walks
10 max height wall balls