CrossFit – Tue, Aug 1
Tuesday WARM up
Hip Halo Warm up
3 sets:
5 Single Arm Ring Rows (each side)
5 Front Squats (empty bar – build across sets)
5 Up downs
3 sets:
5 Single Arm Ring Rows (each side)
5 Front Squats (empty bar – build across sets)
5 Up downs
Power Clean (E90 x 5 Sets
Start with a challenging weight and maintain across all 5 sets OR scale and build weight over 5 sets.)
Start with a challenging weight and maintain across all 5 sets OR scale and build weight over 5 sets.)
Tuesday Metcon (Time)
AMRAP 20minutes
400ft Shuttle Run (16x25ft)
100ft Walking Lunge (bodyweight)
25ft Handstand Walk (scale back to bear crawl if needed)
400ft Shuttle Run (16x25ft)
100ft Walking Lunge (bodyweight)
25ft Handstand Walk (scale back to bear crawl if needed)
Tuesday Optional Extra
In a 3:00 window, complete:
18/16 cal row
15/12 cal Assault Bike
*max cals ski erg in remaining time
Rest 2:00
18/16 cal row
15/12 cal Assault Bike
*max cals ski erg in remaining time
Rest 2:00
Continue in this timeframe and rep scheme until you achieve 200/160 cals on ski erg.The goal is completion in 9-12 rounds