CrossFit – Tue, Apr 4

Tuesday WARM up
3min skipping prac: singles (fwd/bwd), double unders, triple unders etc.
2 rounds:
10/10 skater steps
5/5 slow bird dogs
Deadlift (Every 4min for 4 Rounds:
12/15 cal machine
50 Double or Single Unders

Round 1- 3 at 60% of 1RM
Round 2- 3 at 70% of 1RM
Round 3- 3 at 80% of 1RM
Round 4- Max Unbroken Reps at 90% (shooting for more than 3)

Tuesday Metcon (Time)
10min cap:
* Athletes can split reps however they like
30 devil press
50 toes to bar/variant
70 wall ball

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