CrossFit – Tue, Oct 10

Tuesday WARM up

3 sets
100m Run (build in pace)
6/5 Calorie Row (build in pace)
1 Zombie Rope (build in progression)

Tuesday Metcon (Time)

1000m Run
100/80 Calorie Row
10 Rope Climbs (Or 40 Strict Pull Ups)
*Partition any way*

time cap: 20mins

Skill Work (Max reps)

Spend 12 minutes getting upside down. Note your level in your score notes.

2 sets:
Wall walk half-way up wall
10 shoulder touches (with feet still on the wall)
Wall walk down
**rest 1 min**
Max plank (or plank on knees)
**rest 1 min**
2 sets:
Wall walk half-way up wall
10 shoulder touches (with feet still on the wall)
Wall walk down
— Score is max plank —

2 sets:
Wall walk up
10 wall facing handstand shoulder touches
Wall walk down
** rest 1min **
30-60 sec wall-facing handstand hold (for as long as you feel confident in the movement)
** rest 1min **
2 sets:
Wall walk up
10 wall facing handstand shoulder touches
Wall walk down
— score is time in the wall-facing handstand hold —

2 sets:
Wall walk up
10 steps to the left
10 steps to the right
** rest 1 min **
3 min to find a max freestanding handstand hold
** rest 1 min **
2 sets:
Wall walk up
10 steps to the left
10 steps to the right
— Freestanding handstand hold should be in a 3x3ft area. Score is best hold time —

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