CrossFit – Wed, Mar 22

Warm up – Wednesday
2 rounds:
1min cardio machine
6 scap pull ups
9 scap push ups
Bench Press (4 Sets:
8-10 Bench/floor press (heavy as possible to stay in rep range- guide is 72.5%)
Rest 30sec
10-12 double KB/DB bent over row
Rest 75-90sec
Met con – Wednesday (Time)
6 Rounds each for time:
10/10 KB snatch @ 12/16kg
10 Toes to bar or variant (knees to elbows/chest or sit-up)
50m out and back shuttle x 2

*Start off with 90sec rest each round decrease rest by 15sec
Round 1- 90sec rest ‘
Round 2- 75sec rest
Round 3- 60sec rest
Round 4- 45sec rest
Round 5- 30sec rest
Round 6- 15sec rest

ADV Option:
6 Rounds each for time:
10 chest to bar
14/18 Cal machine
10 double handed KB snatch @ 16/24kg

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