CrossFit – Thu, Jul 6

Warm up – Thursday
Hip Halo Warmup
3 sets:
5 Deadbugs
10 Kettlebell Curls + Shoulder Press (each)
3 Deadlifts (empty bar – build across sets)
HSPU (Strict Handstand Push-ups
5 Sets:
45-55% reps of Max Unbroken Reps (SHSPU)

-Record your total reps-

Scaling Options:
* Strict HSPU
* Kipping HSPU
* Strict HSPU from a box
* Pike Push-ups
* Push-ups
* Dumbbell Shoulder Press)

Hand Stand Push up Practice.
Metcon – Thursday (Time)
5 Rounds
50 Double Unders
7 Thrusters (115/80)
(KG conv: 52/36)
Deadlift (Deadlift:
5 sets x 3 Dead Stop Deadlifts @70% of 1RM)

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