CrossFit – Fri, Dec 6
Warm up – Friday (AMRAP – Reps)
10:00 AMRAP
30sec assault bike
5 up downs
5/5 light DB single leg Romanian deadlifts
5/5 DB light strict press
Metcon – Friday (AMRAP – Reps)
For time, with one DB (50/35):
50/40 cal Air Bike
40 Dumbbell Deadlifts*
200’ ft walking lunge with one DB
50/40 cal Air Bike
40 Alt. Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerk
200’ ft walking lunge with one DB
50/40 cal Air Bike
40 Alt. Dumbbell Snatch
200’ ft walking lunge with one DB (50/35)
* For the Dumbbell Deadlifts, hold the head of the DB and deadlift between feet.
Athletes can hold the DB any way during the lunge, as long as their hand maintains contact with the handle.
Time Cap:30mins