200m run
3 rounds:
10 supermans
10 Barbell Front Squats
10 hanging knee raise
10 empty bar push press
Push Press (Weight)
4 sets of
3 push press
* Increase weight across sets

Between each set athletes are to perform 3-4 reps each leg single leg squat to bench/box or a full range pistol.

Met Con (Time)
Every 5mins for 3 rounds:
15/20 cal machine
15 Box Jump/step down
15 double handed KB snatch @ 12/16kg
15/20 cal machine

*goal is to start easy and increase the pace every round

ADV Option:
Every 5mins for 3 rounds:
15/20 cal machine
30 double unders
Max rounds of the unbroken complex
5m HS walk + 3 strict HSPU + 3 kipping HSPU

Accessory Work
3 sets
1 set of max HS hold against wall
6-8 half kneeling KB press

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